You are here: 7. Mobile Applications > 7.3. Paperless Picking > 7.3.2. Mobile Picking - PDA Procedures > Mobile Picking - Scan for Unit Quantity

Mobile Picking Scan for Unit Quantity

If your company is configured to Scan for Quantity (see "Picking Settings" in the Distribution System manual) and you have items that are set up with different barcodes for different suppliers / units (see "File - Inventory - Units (v2.8)"in the Distribution System manual), the way you pick and scan is a little different again.

In this example, we have an item called BEER which is stocked as Each with different barcodes for cartons, 6 packs and 12 packs.

  1. Locate the item.

Locate the item and move to that bin location.

  1. Scan the appropriate barcode on the item.

In this example, we have scanned the barcode for 6PACK123. You can see that Micronet has recognised that 6PACK123 is a barcode stored again the item BEER and that it represents 6 units (the 6 in the Pack field). It has also changed the previously picked quantity of 30 units to 5 packs (the 5 in the Pick field).

  1. If you enter 7 in the Pick field and select OK, Micronet updates the quantity picked to 42 (6 x 7).
  2. If you highlight the product again, the Pick field is updated to 42 and the Pack field is empty because you did not scan a pack barcode.


  1. If you scan a pack barcode, the Pack field is updated and the Pick value changes from 42 to 7.

  1. Pick the required quantity of goods.
  2. Record the amount picked.
  3. Continue with the normal picking procedure.